Full proof sales sequence system

Full proof sales sequence system- J.R. Fisher


Video Transcript

Hey guys. J.R Fisher here and it’s in the afternoon on Thursday and I want to go live for a second because I just got off a coaching blueprint and you know the poor guy that I was talking to was coached by somebody or paid some money to somebody and given some bad advice and I kind of want to share that with you guys so that you know you don’t fall into that same category and listen to bad advice bad advice is not good. Number one thing I would tell you to do is whoever is coaching you or teaching you or you’re buying their course or whatever it is make sure you check out to see if they’re actually selling stuff online right now not three weeks ago not 10 months ago not I figured it out a year ago. They should be doing it right now and you may say well some people decided they want to teach instead. There’s no way somebody’s going to want to just teach and not sell stuff online.

If they’re good at it because they can make a whole lot more money selling stuff online. But anyhow he had been told that he needs to get a product buy a bunch of it and send it to Amazon and let them ship it out. And he would not do any nothing could be worse advice and they based it on the fact that they found some products that were selling really good and it had a high velocity and all this other B.S. But the problem with that method is you could buy a lot of products that were selling on whatever channel and you know you wait you’re three weeks or four weeks or whatever you get on and by that time it’s no longer a hot product or the season’s over with or whatever and they wanted him to continue to keep buying products and doing this method. There was no funnel setup. There was no after sell set up.

There was no bumps on the water page. There was nothing. Just buy a product try to sell it. Now I will tell you that I’m going gonna get into how much you should spend on ads but I want to cover that real quick. So I want to get back to this ads because everybody’s asking how much I spend on Facebook ads and how much they spend. Well my answer is twofold. The first part is as little as possible. If it’s a brand new ad and that would be five dollars a day. OK so if it’s a brand new ad you never ever ever ever ever ever ever. And I say never ever never never want to spend more than five dollars a day. Why. Well. Because. It’s a new bet. You Thought. I would you. Spend. 50 or 100 bucks.

Something you. Don’t know if it’s going to. Work. It’s. Crazy. The caveat to this is you never ever want to do one at . Okay. See what we want to do is your ad set level. That’s where you’re gonna set your ad spend your ad spends That’ll be five bucks. That’s it. That’s all you’re gonna spend to start an AD. Now that ad set level is also your audience level. So each ad set has an audience in there and hundred each audience. You could have four ads five ads 10 ads as many as you want. I normally have four or five. So I start off with eight or ten audiences each with five dollars. So I’m not spending exorbitant money. Now why do I do that. Why don’t I just do one at a time.

Well because if you do four or five of them or eight or 10 of them you’re going to see some results pretty quick. You know within two or three days you’re going to be able to tell which ones are converting for you. And then you can kill the other ones and spin more on the ones that are working. OK so that’s what you want to do. You want to spend more on the ones that are working and how much more should you spend as much as you can but don’t increase it too fast. You only want to increase it at 20 percent every three to five days that’s 20 percent every three to five days.

Hey Don saw him just jump in here this afternoon. Don you’re always off me. You got it made. So any help you want to make sure that’s the 20 percent spent. Now this guy I was talking about the beginning that I’m doing some coaching with the people told him to keep finding products and selling them and finding another product and selling them. Nothing is harder than doing that. And what I mean by that is if you’re getting another product each time you’re trying to find another customer each time you’re missing the whole point of selling online selling online. That first product is only going to account for about 20 to 30 percent of your total income 70 to 80 percent of your income is going to come after the initial sale. Because I’m going to sell related products I’m going to sell up sells myself but some sell all these other things that come after that initial product.

And if you’re trying to make money on an initial product you’re not going to do it. This is not going to happen you’re going to get discouraged you’re gonna blow a lot of money and you’re not going to get the results you want. Don’t get caught up in this. Chasing a new customer every single time thing. What you want to do is get a product that sells. You want to have eight to 10 audiences. You only want to spend five dollars a day. Figure out the two or three that work. Increase those at a rate of 20 percent every two to three or three to five days. OK. Not much 20 percent. You say well I’ll never get to the high spend. You will trust me if you do that every three to five days and you go up 20 percent that builds up super super fast so you’ll be fine there. But understand that most of your business is going to come after that initial sale. It’s not going to be at that first sale. That’s not where most of your money will come from.

And those customers are the most expensive customers. Once you’ve got somebody to buy from you one time just one time they are 10 times more likely to buy a product from you. Only if you offer it to him. Right. So if you’ve got the business model where we’ll find a product and sell that product as many people as possible you’re not going to do as well as if you find a product and sell it to a group of people and then sell that group of people more related products. That’s the method you want to use. And I think that’s what a lot of people are missing. That’s why it cost them money. That’s why they will do well. And we want to prevent that stuff. OK. That’s it for it now guys.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plugY4H8heQ

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