How to use drop shipping to make a fortune

How to use drop shipping to make a fortune – J.R. Fisher


Video Transcript

Hey Guys, JR Fisher here I want to take a moment and talk to you today about drop shipping and how you can use it to make a whole bunch of money. So I want to make sure I’m just getting started here with this live. I’m just gonna be on for a couple of minutes but I want to make sure you can hear me. So do me a favor and if you would just type it on a couple of people just getting in. Type in that comment section there if you can hear me and I would really really appreciate it. Now I had a client I was talking to just yesterday and he had gotten some training from a company and the company had told him to buy a bunch of product in bulk. And based on the fact that they saw that it was selling on Amazon and to they had a high velocity on it. They told him to buy this product ship it to Amazon and use their FBO form it by Amazon and sell products. And that’s how he was going to make money.

Now there’s several flaws with this problem with this particular way of doing this. First off that product that you saw selling on Amazon it may be selling today but in a week or two it may not be selling. And if you’re buying in bulk from China or anything like that it’s going to take a while for that product to even get to you or to Amazon where we’re going to be shipping into it by the time it gets there the season could be over it could maybe not be a hot product anymore or you know prices could change inventories could change. It’s really a bad idea if you haven’t gotten a proven product to buy in quantity and ship it to yourself or anybody else for that matter because you don’t really know what’s going to happen. Also depending on one particular product is not going to make you much money.

But because basically what you’re doing when you’re getting that initial customer is you’re basically getting a buyer. OK. And it’s not to make profit on that initial sale. If you do. That’s awesome. But the idea is to get a buyer somebody who is used to buying from you. And if you can get somebody who’s used to buying from you then guess what. They will probably buy more things from you as a matter of fact. If somebody buys from you one time they are 10 times more likely to buy from you they have a cold prospect. So I want to talk about this drop shipping thing real quick. I’m going to be doing a training on that later on and I put the link up here so you can actually get the whereas others are trading on that right here right here right here. I’m going to wait. All right so this is the link that’s I’m going to be doing this today. OK. So today is when you can see it you can see it live. All you have to do is go to that link which is one more time. Let me get over here the 

So you want to go to that. OK. That way you can get your coach which is cool right. So here’s the deal guys. What I want you to do is kind of understand the principle behind this. So in in doing drops shipping and I’m a drop shipper too I not only do drop shipping but I am a drop shipper. What that means is I’ll sell products that somebody else drops it for me. And I also dropped ship products for other companies either drops your products for Wal-Mart. If you go to Wal-Mart and search Survival Cave Food you’re going to buy my products there and I ship those products out. They sell a Wal-Mart sells them. But I actually ship them out. So you know a lot of people think well I don’t to be a drop shipper. I mean what what what is that. It’s nothing. You know you make products. Nobody. Three of the biggest drops shippers in the world or Wal-Mart Target and Home Depot. OK. So you know the majority of stuff they sell on their site. They don’t have. They don’t warehouse somebody else’s shipping that out for them. It just makes them look like a bigger company.

You’ve got all these products that Wal-Mart is really famous for this. If you go to their site I mean there’s so many products there that they don’t ever have. They don’t have any of this stuff in the warehouse. They don’t have it in their stores because my products which is survival take food. You know we ship out for Wal-Mart. But they don’t keep it in their stores. They don’t sell it in their stores. We don’t even allow it to be sold in their stores. So keep in mind that drop shipping is a big thing. So here’s how it works. Basically though you’ve got this Shopify store right here and you’re going to run traffic you know maybe it’s going to be Facebook. So maybe we’re going to get some Facebook traffic. All right. And we’re going to send it to the shopify store. These pages these landing pages and then people are going to buy. OK. And then what we’ve done is we’ve actually integrated our little store here. ABC you’re OK with a Barlow Barlow is nothing more than an integration piece of software the way a Barlow works is when you get this order here Barlow looks at it and it matches it up to the Ali express seller over in China. OK. And then it says OK.

This just bought from the store here. I need to put the order in now express that you’ll have to go in and manually say you accept this order whatever percentage you do that what they’re going to do is they’re going to ship out the product to your customer. OK so what it’s essentially done is it takes you out of the loop. You don’t have to buy the inventory. You don’t have to stock the inventory. You don’t have to ship out the inventory but most importantly you don’t have to invest any money in inventory. And if you do this process where you just traffic sell to your store use a Barlow set Ali Express and have it go out for the customer. You can test all kinds of products by doing this. I mean tons of products. So I would highly suggest you doing this. I would highly suggest using drop shipping.

 Like I said I’ll be doing some training to day and that’s Friday the 11th of January. Right. 2019. So And I also put that link I put that yeah I also put that in the instructions and there a little comic such. That’s what I’m going to say. In addition to that I’m gonna be doing a live Facebook training this weekend. That’s the 13th. That’s two days from now two days from now and I’ll be doing this training if you want to attend that training duck down That Is all lower case.

OK. This is all lowercase. So if you want to attend Facebook ads training if you don’t know anything about Facebook ads you want to know how to do Facebook ads and you don’t want to pay anything to learn how to do it. That’s the place to go. It’s And when you’re watching this video I do want to remind you put your comments in the section there. Even if you’re not watching live. Put your comments in that section there. Put your questions in that section because what happens is when you do that I get notified that you put a comment in there. And as soon as I get notified I’ll jump in there and I’ll answer your question for you. And you get free answers. Free answers is good right. So put your comments in there and if you just have a comment on this video please do that. Stick that in there. I would really appreciate it if you would share this video with your friends and family and anybody else you want to share it with because the more we can get the word out the more we can help more people and they’ll think you’re cool because you shared because you shared this information so that’s a pretty cool thing.

So do me a favor if you’re watching this video whether you’re watching it live or whether you’re watching it later on. Put a comment down there. Hey go in there and putting those bitly links because if people see those links in there you’ll be able to click on it to be able to go to. So I’m doing a live training in about less than two hours on drop shipping if you want to attend that live training go to Because that’s today’s date and you could get free training now that’s going to be at 11:00a.m. Pacific Standard Time. I really appreciate you guys watching. I really appreciate you looking at these videos and learning all this stuff. Please put your comments in there please put your questions in there whether you’re watching this live or whether you’re watching it at a later time. I know the weekend’s coming up and I was just in Starbucks I was listening somebody in there and one person said to the others that we going to do this weekend. He says I’m just going to veg on the couch. Now don’t let it happen. This is Friday guys.

If you are offline Saturday and Sunday and you want to build a business get working start doing something don’t sit around don’t actually call yourself a vegetable and sit on the couch because that’s not going to get you ahead and come Monday morning you’ve got to get to the same job over and over and over again if you don’t get it off the couch. And we’ve actually you could stay on the couch and get on your laptop right and start working on your business please start working on your business if you want to get more information on training.

You can also go to my group I’m a private Facebook group. It’s called The Art of e-commerce success and you can search that on Facebook the Art of e-commerce success. You can opt to join that group. It is a private group but we have tons of information in there free videos and you can ask questions in there. It’s moderated. I’m in there. I’m putting videos in there and I’m answering people’s questions. And don’t forget put your questions on this video to just put it in the comments section there. I’ll see it or come back to you and I’ll help you out. Don’t waste this weekend right. Don’t go sit on the couch and become a vegetable. Don’t do it. OK. Do something for your business to grow your business and to change the direction you’re going.

If you don’t like the direction you’re heading right now if you don’t like that job and you don’t like what your income is you don’t like what you’re earning. You owe it to yourself. Seriously don’t waste another weekend. Don’t don’t spend it you know looking at Netflix bingeing or the game or whatever because none of that’s going to matter. Ten years from now none of it will. But it will matter if you invest in yourself by putting forth a little bit of work. And I’m here to help you. OK so that you need help put in the comments section. Send me a message. I’ll be happy to help you. I hope to see you real soon. And I’ll talk to you later

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