How to network to make money – how to make money from events

How to network to make money

How to network to make money. Hey, have you wanted to go to one of those parties and hang out with those people and actually get business out of doing these things? Well, you’ve come to the right place because I’m gonna show you how to network to make money.

I don’t want you to get the wrong impression. This video is not about network marketing, that’s a whole different thing and that’s not something I like to do. This is more about attending events and how to talk to people and how to get business out of these events. We often get invited to events, they could be trade shows, training, or charities. I just got invited to an event in Mexico with Clickbank Platinum summit but when you go to these events, you’ve got to go with a different mindset than what you think you’re not. You have to go to these events to get business.

Here are the steps you should do to get business from these events:

2:29 – 1. Introduce yourself without trying to explain what you do.

2:55 – 2. Be prepared

3:19 – 3. Dress appropriately

3:58 – 4. Act interested in whatever they say they do

4:35 – 5. Don’t have dumb descriptions

5:11 – 6. Make an offer

5:37 – 7. Make sure you contact them

6:33 – 8. Attend as many events as you possibly can

7:10 – 9. Act “as if”

I do recommend a book by Mel Robbins called the “5 Second Rule,” and it’s basically saying, you’re gonna start at 5 and count down to 1 and then you’re gonna do the thing that you’re nervous about doing and that maybe just walking up to somebody and introducing yourself. I highly suggest you read that book and it’s a great book and it will kind of get you out of your shell, out of your bubble and you’ve got to realize everybody’s nervous, uncomfortable, and feels the same things you do. It’s just the people who don’t let that paralyze them and they move forward.

Now, have you’ve done some networking events? If you have questions about them, make sure you put your comments below.

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