How to write high converting landing page headlines like a pro

How to write high converting landing page headlines like a pro

Hey, do you want to write headlines for your landing pages that actually work? Well, in this video I’m going to show you how to write these headlines like a pro and get real results and more sales.

We use a landing page builder that is built within Kartra. Kartra is our email provider our membership and our help desk site. Kartra can do all these and help you make these landing pages.

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Headlines are super important and the fact is changing a headline can change your results 10 to 30 percent. Changing your headline is easy. It takes no time whatsoever to actually change a headline on a landing page. It’s one of the simplest things you can do and doesn’t require any new design, colors, or images. It’s better to copy than to create.

A lot of headlines can be put into certain categories and they just seem to work. An Israeli research team actually took 200 of the top headlines and they found out that they all fell within about 6 different categories. So, if you do your headlines and you put them into one of these categories you’re likely to succeed. You can basically take the same headline that’s out there and just rework it a little bit and you could use it for your business.

You don’t have to come up with any new ideas or really creative ways to do stuff. You can just use what’s been working for years and years and years.

3:18 – 5 Basic Headline Formulas

1. Testimonial

2. Cliffhanger

3. Value Proposition

4. Listicle

5. How-To

Let’s talk about each one individually:

4:33 – Testimonial

5:40 – Cliffhanger

7:41 – Value Proposition

9:07 – Listicle

9:36 – Odd Numbers – When I’m optimizing headlines and I’ll put it into a headline optimizer, it’s the odd numbers that come up. This is something that seems to work really well and they draw in people’s attention.

✅10: 30 – How-To

Headline formats that still outperform the control variant by as much as 41% and 11% respectively so you can see in all these headlines changes can make a major difference in your sales and profitability.

Try some of these out and see how they work for you and let me know in the comments what worked or what didn’t work. What kind of headlines are you using? Put those in the comments.

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