9 – steps to design a successful YouTube channel

9 steps to design a successful YouTube channel. Hey, are you looking to really do something with that YouTube channel? Are you looking to get subscribers and views and grow your channel? Well, you’re in the right place because, in this video, I’m going to show you exactly what you need to do in 9 simple steps.

There are an estimated 50 million content creators. So, for you to compete with all these people, you just need to do the right things and don’t get discouraged by the fact that there are so many of them. If you do the right thing,s you’re gonna do pretty well because I got to tell you, the majority of them including myself didn’t do the right things when they started out.

Now, let’s check out the 9 steps when designing your YouTube channel:

✅03:07 1. Create your YouTube channel for your business.

✅03:25 2. Learn about your audience.

✅05:45 3. Researcher competition.

✅07:08 4. Learn from your favorite channels.

✅08:11 5. Optimize your videos for Search Engine Optimization(SEO).

✅11:59 6. Upload and schedule your videos.

✅13:20 7. Optimize your channel to track new subscribers.

✅14:44 8. Try youtube advertising.

✅15:21 9. Try to work with an influencer.

Make sure it looks professional. Don’t just put no thought into it. Grab your camera and start making videos. I know a lot of people tell you to just get started, make a video, grab your phone and do one and while that’s true and while that’s better than not having any videos, setting up the scene with the right lighting and having the video viewable and they sound good, that’s gonna make a big difference in your videos.

Now, if you found something you like in this video, please leave your comments below. If you’re having problems with your YouTube channel, leave your comments below and I’d love to help out!

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