How to find the best virtual assistant online

How to find the best virtual assistant online. Now, have you been contemplating hiring somebody to help you? This can be called a virtual assistant. Are you at a point where you think you need somebody?

In this video, I’m actually going to go through and show you if you’re at a point where you’re gonna need a virtual assistant and then I’m going to show you where you can find one of the best ones and then I’m going to show you how to manage them and how much to pay them.

Let’s get into it let’s and check out this virtual assistant thing. They’re at a remote location that’s what we mean by a virtual assistant. Let’s look at the things you need to consider when hiring and managing virtual assistants:

✅01:45 – What are the task your gonna have this person do?
✅04:36 – You gonna pay him correctly.
✅05:43 – You can’t hire income.
✅06:49 – Decide how long you want them to work.
✅10:11 – Train them properly.

If you’re trying to hire a full-time virtual assistant that does your schedule planning, I would go to one called These people are normally looking for a full-time job and based in the Philippines. A lot of these people will charge a lesser rate than a lot of the other countries and they’re actually pretty good at it. Here, you can hire full-time for a couple of hundred dollars a month and that will actually do a great job for you. As you get up on the scale, the people are gonna have more skills and once they have more skills, they’re gonna ask for more money and you should pay them.

You shouldn’t try to get the cheapest person that’s out there. That’s not the way you go about it. You try to build a relationship with this person and get the best person that’s out there. Don’t hire somebody and leave them at the same salary for years. They’ve got to feel like they have a chance to get ahead and have a chance to make more money. Everybody wants to improve their situation so you’ve gotta you know. Do an evaluation with them every now and then and if they’re not improving in those areas then you’ve got to hire somebody else but if they are improving, make sure you pay them a little bit more money and help them out.

Now, if you have any questions about hiring a virtual assistant, please leave your comments below.

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