How do I quit my job if I’m scared – The Real Secret!

How do I quit my job if I’m scared? The real secret! Hey, have you wanted to quit your job but you’re scared or worried? I mean, leaving the security of that place to go to work. That paycheck of knowing the rent’s going to be paid and that’s pretty frightening and in this video, I’m going to share with you how I quit my job and how you can quit yours and put you on the road to working for yourself. I have courses and I’ve been coaching, and I’ve done speaking. It all came from quitting my job.

I actually started selling online in 2009 and I actually quit my job in 2011 but by that point, I had worked it up to where my best month so far was $80,000 in a single month.

Why did I want to quit my job? The reason I didn’t want to work there anymore was not because of the pay but it was because of my boss. It’s been proven that probably 80 to 90 percent of the dissatisfaction with people’s jobs is because of their boss. Also, I wanted to travel and I couldn’t travel because I had to work all the time and they gave me short vacations. When I did have a vacation, I worried about losing my job and be replaced by somebody else. So you know, that was another tough situation and I didn’t like being in that position anymore.

Now, here are the things you can do when deciding to quit your job:

✅03:56 – Change your thought patterns
✅04:07 – Dickens process
✅04:54 – Visualize both paths
✅14:52 – What will be the cost of limiting belief to you right now?

How will you evolve as a person? You know, if you stay in that same job for 40 years, you’re probably gonna be the same. If you get out of your comfort zone and try something new, you’re going to learn new things, and you’re going to become a different person. Life is about is evolving because we are not born as the person we should become. We grow into the person we become as we work on ourselves. You got to really visualize this stuff, you know when you’re thinking about what the future is. What are all these things going on around me? Because that makes that future pacing a whole lot more realistic if I could do that.

Now, tell me what you’re gonna do, what you’ve done, and what part of this is useful to you. Please leave your comments below and see you on the next video.

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