How to do winning Facebook ads

How to do winning Facebook ads


Video Transcript

Hey JR. Fisher here I want to talk to you about how to do winning Facebook ads. That’s the goal right. Winning Facebook ads and we determine that by conversion or sales. So the first thing you want to think about is when you set up your ad you won’t have the right audience because of if you have everything else in place and everything’s great and you have a great product and prices and ad copy and all those stuff. And it’s not in front of the right person. That’s a problem.

So the first thing you want to do is pick probably four to six audiences your audiences are your ad sets on Facebook. So you’re gonna need four to six of those. And that’s also where you set your ad spend. And I like to start with five bucks. You know I just do that is a low amount he gets me some data I can figure out what’s going on. So once I’ve done that and I’ve got my audiences okay I’ve got four to six audiences inside each one of those audiences is where you’re going to put your actual ads. And. I like to write two different types of copy. And with each one of them try two different images.

So I’m going to have a couple of different images. I’m gonna have a couple different types of copy and I’m not going to stop there but that’s where I’m gonna start. So first things first. Make sure your audience is right. Second thing have a couple of images and a couple of different ad copies. OK so you’re going to take each one of those ad copies and you get to run both images to it.

And if you do that and you have two different images you’re going to have four different ads in there. The next thing you want to look at is when they’ve excuse me when you’ve set up these ads on the page it goes to has to has to have to be congruent. And what I mean by that is I don’t know. Let’s say you’re selling a blue jacket. And when it goes to that blue jacket it comes to a landing page and the jacket’s there. But if you have your default set to a brown jacket instead of a blue jacket that’s not congruent.

And you say well it’s the exact jacket. They can pick any color they want. They can pick blue but that’s not how the brain works. If the brain gets there and says I clicked on blue jacket and I saw brown jacket oh somebody’s trying to mislead me something’s wrong here something’s bad. I got to leave those little tiny things can ruin I mean ruin your conversions and it’s a simple thing. I know but you know you got to be consistent and it’s to say the same words. So whatever you said in your blue jacket AD when it gets to the landing page make sure that landing page says the same thing for that blue jacket. So that’s simple enough.

And then there’s other little things you can do and I just kind of like a bonus but there’s things you can do to make your conversions better and they don’t cost you anything. So instead of just saying shipping or fast shipping or something like that put in their company insured shipping. Right. Because we do insure it. Right. If you ship it through the postal office or you know you ship through UPS or whatever you’re doing you’re getting some type of insurance so you want to make sure you put insured shipping. Very very important. So those are just a few tips to help you with your e-commerce store. And I will talk to you next time.

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