How do i know if my ad will work and make money

How do I know if my ads gonna work and make money? Are you scared to run ads because you may spend money on ads that don’t work and don’t get results? Well, you know that you should be scared because it happens to advertisers every single day but in this video, I’m gonna go […]

How to know what pictures to put your in ads

How to know what pictures to put your ads. Hey, that’d be great right? If you knew what pictures to put in your ads and if the pictures that you put in your ads you knew would convert. In other words, you knew you would sell, you knew you would get the opt-ins, and you […]

How to create successful ad images – expert tips to increase your ad conversion

How to create successful ad images. Have you been trying to do some ad images and you had a hard time and was difficult? Well, I know it is but in this video, I’m gonna explain it to you and show you how you can create amazing ad images. Let’s learn how to do those […]