J.R. Fisher - How to start an online business

Online Business Training: How to Win or Lose Every Time

Our discussion is about how to win in our everyday lives. Don’t just live life as it happens; learn to win every single day! I hope you’ll enjoy this online business training. I hope it will inspire you to start something you’ve always wanted to do.


1. Life happens when waiting.

2. Become a winner by doing something that you want and you enjoy. It is better to lose something while doing what you want than failing with something that you don’t want to do.

3. Every day is a risk so don’t just live life just to get by, live life as it happens.

“If you don’t try to fulfill your dream, somebody is going to hire you to fulfill their dream.” – JR Fisher

Show Highlights

4:02 Focus on your life. It is really important. Many people focus through their life…I want to get through another day at work…I want to get through this appointment… Focus on what’s happening! This is it! This is one shot and this is the only deal.

4:27 Life is not something to get done. It is not! It is something to just get over with – NO! This is it, this is the whole deal. Life is something to enjoy. So, if you are not enjoying, you are not winning. Winning is enjoying.

5:18 Life happens while you are waiting, it is still going on. So, even if you’re on a wait, enjoy it! Have a good time!

5:55 People choose to loose every day. But you need to understand that loosing is not being uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable and doing things that challenge you a little bit, these are good things. Being comfortable all the time, you’re not going to achieve anything.

07:01 If you really want to be successful, no successful person really ever got to the top by always doing things that are comfortable. You’ve got to step out of your comfort zone and that’s what is going to get you there.

7:52 I am doing what I want. Though I wake up earlier than before, I am happy because I am doing what I love and what I want. So how do I win? I got to do what I want every single day. That’s winning! Now, if you’ve got a job that motivates you, and you are excited and you just love being there every single day, you won! You won! That’s great! But there is a flip side of this, I was watching TV not long ago and those big factories were closing down. And the guy has been there for 32 years. And they were interviewing him right outside of the closed plant. And they said, “what are you going to do now?” He says, “I don’t know. I’ve got nothing.”…he said, “ I don’t have any other income. That was my only income, I gave 32 years of my life in that company and they fired me and I’ve got nothing.” And what a shame that is because I bet that guy didn’t work 24 hours a day for the company. I bet he probably got off work maybe during happy hour and I bet he went home and watched TV and he waited because life is going by and just waited through life and the next day would come. So what could he have done for the past 32 years? He could have studied brain surgery and he could be a brain surgeon four times over. But he just waited. He waited through every day. He waited through his life. And life once again is not something to get done. It is something to enjoy. Are you just waiting through your life? I could say he failed. Why did he fail? Because he worked for a company and it failed because it fired him and here is something horrible, he failed at something he didn’t like. He liked the job, he worked in the factory. He never said he liked it but he did it because of security.

9:55 So here is the scary thing, you can fail at something you don’t like! Well, if you could fail at something you don’t like how about doing something you do like? You’ll be a whole lot better if you do and fail at something you do like than something you don’t like.

10: 14 You’ve got this choice every single day. Am I going to win or am I am going to loose? And you can win by doing what you want. Doing what you’re passionate about and if you’re not sure if it is going to work…find out!

10:30 When I started our company, I found a lot of things that did not work. We had a lot of failures, we were up and down in the bank accounts. And until today, there are some things that don’t work and a lot of things that do work and we share those things with you so you can apply them. But it is funny as I talked to this attorney; she told me that she put up an online course and I asked her how did it do and she says, “ I don’t now ‘cuz I’ve really never did anything with it…. I put it together and I never did anything with it.” So, right now she’s loosing. Why’s she loosing? Because she’s somewhere she doesn’t want to be, doing something that she probably doesn’t want to do and not fulfilling her dream.

11:20 Here’s what happens, if you don’t try to fulfill your dream, somebody is going to hire you to fulfill their dream. You’re going to work for them because they went out there and did it! They risked it.

12:11 I am winning every day because I am doing what I want and that’s winning, that’s what it is. Life is not something to get through. You should be enjoying it. But the only way to do that is to win and the only way to win is to do what you want. Are you choosing to loose every day?

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