time management

Time management – JR Fisher


Video Transcript

Hey guys. JR Fisher here wanted to. Take a second to make this short video kind of show you around here I’m in Pacific Beach today at the ocean front behind me there which is kind of cool and I want to talk to you a little bit about your time and time management. You know I heard a lot where people say well I just don’t have any time J.R. I just don’t understand how busy I am I get so much going on I got my job. You know I’ve got my kids I’ve got parents I’m helping to take care of. I just you know a commitment. I’m a coach and a team you know. And I do some extracurricular things too and you know I’ve got to have some downtime also. You know that’s important to me too. So I just I don’t have the time. And then I may approach him and I may say what what. What about planning planning out your time and they’ll say I don’t have time to plan this. That’s the least thing I can do is play and I can tell you right. I just got to react to everything that’s going on around me. Is that the truth. Do you have to just react to everything that’s going on around you. I mean is that do you. Do you want to react to everything that’s going on around you until you have more days in the face of the earth. Is that what you want to do.

I don’t. I can tell you if you if you work for yourself and get the right angle here for sun if you work for yourself. I think it’s it’s almost more pressure than if you work for somebody else. And I tell you why because you actually realize that whatever you’ve gotten done that day is because that’s what you chose to get done that day. Know that’s a lot of pressure. You know if you’re if you’re on a job. And you know you’ve got to be at work at a certain time and you know you’ve got that commitment they make you do certain things. Here’s a little bit of pressure taken off you really. It’s like you know well they make me do this and I have to do this and this is what they’re going to pay me.

So you know you say well I’m probably paid at the high end for my job whether it’s you know a cashier or whether it’s a brick mason or whether it’s a computer analyst. It doesn’t matter. You know you tend to kind of tell yourself that that’s your lot in life. You know you got this job and you are a commuter analyst or you are a I don’t know a gardener or you are a pool person you’re none of those things you’re none of those things. OK. You are exactly what you’ve chosen to do with your time on the face of the earth. That’s it. You are. You’re exactly that you’re you know more than that.

You’re no less than that if you choose to invest your time in super super important things that are going to change the world and you can take on Elon Musk or Steve Jobs or any of those guys you know a lot of them slept at their office. Elon Musk still sleeps in his office. I was listening to an interview the other day with Paul McCartney. You may have heard him when these Beatles guys and he’s 76 years old and guess what he just did. He’s come out with a new album. He just wrote a bunch of song came out with new album and it debuted number one at 76 years old.

You know it’s so funny. We have we have so much access now to the public. I mean we can we can put up a video and literally have millions of people see if it’s a good video. OK. If we do it right. But you know so many people just don’t even take advantage of it. And I tell you you know I look at my days and I try to plan them out and the best way to really plan out your days is figure out what you have to do first. What do you have to do. In some of my half twos may be different from yours but I have to eat OK so I’m in a lot some time for that I’m going a lot about 10 minutes in the morning and about 15 minutes in the afternoon and then a normal dinner because I don’t want to waste a lot of time in the morning and afternoon just sitting there eating. OK. I just don’t want to do that other stuff I can do.

I have to exercise and guess what. You do too. Everybody has to exercise to a certain degree. I heard an interview the other day about Matthew McCartney. You’ve been in tons of movies tons of awards and guys and just phenomenal shape. And they said well how do you get in good shape good luck time during these movie sets and you can’t go to a gym you can’t just take off and do that. He goes Oh no. Now we’ll all exercise all day long. It doesn’t matter. And they said what do you mean by that. He says if I’m in a board meeting and we’re talking he says I may get down on the floor do 20 push ups and then if we’re doing a script read later on the day I may get down the floor and do 20 push ups he says by the end of the day I can do two hundred push ups and never go to the gym. So you can make time for this stuff. You know you could at lunchtime do 20 push ups sit ups or something. Right. My my day is normally planned out first thing in the morning. I mean I write down everything but I know what I’m going to do this morning.

You know I had a guy had a couple of coaching clients just that I do coaching. Just so you know for people who want to make money online. I do some private coaching and I had two meetings yesterday and we videotaped those meetings and then what I have to do is I have to download those meetings and they’re on video and I have to put them up on a page and you know get them uploaded and all that. That was the first thing I want to get done today because those people want their videos. They want to get their information I know it’s important to them. I tell them and this is another thing I want to add. I tell them it’ll take about four days to get their video up and I usually do it in 24 hours. Why would I do that. Because I want to under promise over deliver. You’ll find that your clients like you for that. OK. When you do a little bit more than you know what’s expected of you. So I did that first thing in the morning it went from a walk on the beach here. And as I walked on the beach you know you could combine task two. I went through e-mails. I answered a couple of voicemails and I planned out this video Believe it or not. This video is actually planned out. Yeah.

You have to play in this stuff. You know everybody’s got this 24 hours and you’ve got you know on average 73 74 years to be on the face of the earth. The question is Are you a plumber. Are you a roofer. Are you an accountant. Are you you. So what are you gonna do with your time. On the face of this earth you know how are you going to spend it. Are you going to set time aside for the things that really count like eating sleeping and exercising. Those are important but then you move on to your family commitments and your children commitments and then everything else is decision time. You know what do you want to do. How do you want to do it. You know I was in the automotive industry for many years and I know when I left it many years ago I talked to some of the people there and they were miserable and they were in the automotive industry too and they said I’m going to get out of here to I’m gonna leave I’m going to do this I’m under that.

And to this day I can still talk to them because they’re still in the automotive industry they’re still in some of the same jobs or they’ve gotten demoted and they’ve moved nowhere and I’m not saying anything’s wrong with that if you’re happy in your job. That’s awesome. Hey stay there do what you want to do but if you’re not happy it’s a really tough existence to keep going to that job every single day when you’re not happy get it when you’re not doing what you want to do. And the last thing I’ll tell you is this if you want a particular thing maybe you want a house or a car or you know you want some fame or whatever it is. Here’s what you do. Here’s how you crack the code. Go find out who’s got what you want. If somebody got a little bit of fame and they’re a big time speaker or somebody who’s written a book and you think they’re really cool. Go find that person see what they did find out how they did it what activities do they do everyday.

Do they get up at 4:00a.m. and write 30 minutes before they went to their job and they did that for a year and they ended up with a book and a book you know got out to the public and they got well known and then they could quit their job. Are you doing those little extra things that need to be done. Because it’s simple. You just find somebody out there who’s doing what you want to do. You see how they’re doing it and you do the same thing. And here’s another key try to improve on it and do it a little bit better. OK. Like my videos with my clients I try to improve on that every time I plan out over meetings. I make sure they get more than you know what they signed up for. That’s what’s important. Over deliver so any help. That’s a good way to plan your time and remember you don’t have any more time than I do.

You don’t have any less time than I do. We all have the same amount of time. How are you going to choose to spend that time for the rest of your years entirely up to you. Hey if you want to learn how to build your business I am doing a free training this Friday on how to build a list. You see if you have a list and you’ve got a tribe of people that are interested in what you’ve got to say you get to automatically make money by just emailing them. That’s simple. But you’ve got to have an e-mail. So how do you get that e-mail list. I will tell you all about that this Friday if you want. Check in the description there’s a link you can sign up for. Seats are limited so don’t get mad at me if it’s filled up by the time you get this. But check that out and I’d love to see you at the training. Hey thanks for listening to this video if you’d like to share it like it. Comment on it did like it tell me that to heck put that down there. Want to hear that too. So until next time I’ll talk to you later.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU4snXWuJ00

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