should you work weekends

Should you work weekends – JR Fisher


Video Transcript

Good morning everybody. It is Saturday morning J.R Fisher here and I’m in Scripps Ranch which is really just north of San Diego. My neighborhood here and I’m just leaving the Starbucks and I want to talk to you about if you should work weekends or not. You know this video.

Is not for everybody. So the people it’s not for him I tell you who you are right now. And that way you can go ahead and stop the video you got what you have to watch it because it’s not for you. This is not for people. Who don’t want to work weekends and are happy with their situation. OK so if you’re you’re in a job or you’re doing whatever you’re doing and you don’t want to work weekends and you’re happy with exactly where you’re at. Turn off the video watch it.

OK. This is for people who are unhappy with their situation and I could be money could be an elder job. It could be any of any number of those things and they don’t know if they should work weekends or not. Now. I will tell you that I work every weekend. So you know that’s going to turns people off they’re going to go while I won’t work every weekend. Why would I want to do that. This video is not for you. OK. It’s not for you. You know and if you had a religious thing you know some people say well you know Sunday’s my Sabbath their Saturdays my worship day and that’s cool and I get that you know that’s cool.

Take that day off. You know if you’re if you’re Christian it says you know six and one. Right. Work six take off one. Now somehow. The. Our society has morphed it into five and two I work five days get off to. And you know maybe he just he was so busy at the time when he came up with six and one he just couldn’t think of five and two.

I don’t know. Probably not probably supposed to be six. But the point is should you work weekends. And the answer is yes.

And if you’re looking at getting some training on how to start a business or you know how to make some money online or whatever and the person in the video is constantly bombarding you with pay work two hours a day and make a million dollars you know work three days a week and make millions of dollars. Look at my fancy house look at my car. If they’re sending that message. The people they’re speaking to are people who want something for nothing. That’s exactly who their audience is OK. I don’t speak to that audience.

Now the only thing I may do in a video is show you that I’m working in a different place. You know maybe it’s a Starbucks or something like that. But I’m never going to tell you that you can work five and two. You can work five days take two days off. I don’t I don’t know how to do it. I haven’t figured it out. You know me well you know at some point maybe you’ve got enough money and you just don’t want any more money and you don’t you know you want to do five and two.

I get that. But. If you don’t have what you want and I don’t have what I want I want more. You know. So all of my messages speak to the fact that you got to work a lot. And that turns off a lot of people because they just don’t want work alone. You know that’s not what they want to do and I get that. But I’m here to tell you that’s the way you’re going to have to do it now. There could be some really exceptional people not they’re super smart and they just they know everything and they could just knock it out in five days.

You know I’m not you know I’m not that person I’ve got to put in more hours and try more things and do more stuff.

And you know it’s just required for me. OK. And it is required for the average person too. So here’s the audience I speak to. Let’s speak to the average person who understands they need to put in more effort to get more results because pretty much most successful people are going to tell you that they’re you know and if if they’re telling you that you only get to work four hours a week you’re making a million bucks. Those people are not trying to get you results what they’re trying to do is get your money.

They’re trying to get you to buy into a lifestyle of no work and all money and fun and play. And man it just it’s not there. I don’t I don’t know how they do that. The audience I’m speaking to. My goal was not to get your money. Let’s get you results because I’ll tell you the truth. OK. So which me is going to cost me some money because those people who just wanted to say here’s some money. Tell me how to get rich quick. You know I’ll never get their money.

It’ll never happen they’re never gonna buy one of my courses. You know they’re just not going to do it because that’s not the message I’m sending. And that’s the kind of people you attract with those videos. You know the ones that say hey you know work 30 minutes a day and you’re going to get rich. You know you’re going to attract those people who want something for nothing. I don’t want those people I don’t want their money. OK. I want the people to want to work hard because I want to see the people get results so that’s the goal I’m going after.

I’m going after people who get real results who understand. That they’re going to have to do more than the average person to get more than average results. And I know that kind of sounds like common sense. But people don’t get that and they buy into the guy standing in front of the mansion with you know fancy rented car telling you that you know he’s done all this and you know three weeks and he’s made millions of dollars. So yeah. So there’s your there’s your answer. You got to work weekends.

You know. The way it is. You know I’m. I just finished at Starbucks and did a little bit of work worked in my group a little bit. By the way I’m going to put a link down there to my group. So if you want to. Join my group and my group is about e-commerce and selling stuff online. If you want to do that. Then that would be the group for you and all you gotta do is click on the link. There’s three simple questions there. You you going to abide by our rules and so forth.

In the last question is you know you can put in your e-mail and also use a free training. You don’t do that.

Don’t do it. You don’t have to do that. The other two questions you do have to answer.

We were like at one hundred and fifty hundred sixty people in that group in January and were well over a hundred now. And we’re probably at 10000 this year.

And the reason for that is the group itself we share real ideas and you know real solutions to problems and people post ads and questions about e-commerce and Shopify and WordPress and all that and we’re there to help you get results. How much does a group cost is free. Free is pretty cheap you know. But if you join it Please participate you know help people out. You know I can’t help them.

Maybe they can help you but all you do is click on that link there. So now I’m off to just kind of let you know what a Saturday looks like. Well life’s taking care of the animals and cleaning up and doing all that because she’s got some pets we have some beds excuse me and she’s taking care of all that so going to go to the gym and get a good workout in a very little bit of work got up at six thirty this morning get some work done at Starbucks and then I’m gonna head back to the house or my office on May end up at the office today I don’t know.

And get some work down. Get a book and finish and. If you’re excited that you put a comment down there some private message. It’s called. Internet empire and it’s really cool. It’s all about e-commerce and how to make money online and kind tells a story of our business and everything. So that’s going to be available soon. So I’m gonna go back and work on that.

I’m working on Chapter 14 for the past week. One chapter from the best week right. And then I want to I want to doctor the other chapters up a little bit you know a little story in there and keep people’s interest. I don’t want to have just pure information. So anyhow so if you’re thinking that you want to improve your situation the first thing I would tell you is you’re going to have to do some stuff for the average person doesn’t do it. In the first place to start. You’re going to work weekends.

This doesn’t mean you’ve got to get up at six thirty like I did today and work until. 10:00 at night.

Not that I’m doing that but that means you’re gonna have to do some you’ve got to do some extra effort that the average person isn’t doing. I mean this is common sense. Okay. Don’t buy the course for nineteen ninety nine. That tells you that you can work four hours a week and make a million bucks it’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen. You know I just start lining up those people on one side that worked like no hours and make billions of dollars and then line up the people on the other side to make millions of dollars that worked a lot and I can tell you which line is going to be longer I promise you I know which lines can be longer.

So anyhow that’s my two cents for today. I’m pulling up at the gym now over at L.A. Fitness. Going to get a workout in and then go back and do a little bit of work and I’ll probably take off this evening. I’m sure I will have some time off and that’s another thing when you do take time off. I don’t make this video too long which is probably too late anyhow. When you do take time off stop and think about what you’re doing with your time you know just what are you doing with your time if you’re just plant yourself down in front of the TV and you know clicking through the channels and he can’t find anything decent to watch you’re wasting your downtime anyhow you’re not doing anything with it.

I mean you might as well put it a little bit at work so that’s going to be some results but I see that all the time people you know take time off the weekends or whatever that may mean anything to do.

You know there’s nothing to even want to do. So you know why not go ahead and get a little bit of work done and make some money. Why not. You know you’d have to work all day every day but you’re going to have to work more than the average person. Sorry. Sorry. I probably lost this people who don’t care about. Working weekends in the very beginning when I told them to get off. But that’s the way it is. So anyhow heading over to the gym don’t want to go to the gym by the way.

I won’t go you know because I hate working out. Yeah. No kidding. Most people do. But you got to do it to stay healthy so had never the gym. You guys have a great day and feel free to comment or PM me below. Click on that link join the group and I’ll see you there.

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