How to find unique products that make money

How to find unique products that make money – J.R. Fisher


Video Transcript

Hey guys. JR Fisher here with a good life for just a second talk to you guys about products. Yeah. Products. What are you selling. We got to sell it can make or break you.

f you have a crappy product you have a product that nobody wants. If you have a product that’s not even unique like a lot of people will try to sell stuff online. That is not unique. I mean you can go around the store and get it. People are not going to buy these things from you online. You’ve got to know what kind of products to put out there you’ve got to know who to targeted to what man if you don’t have a good product you’re targeting doesn’t matter your ads don’t matter you’re your ad copy doesn’t matter. None of it matters if you don’t have a good shot. Now the question is Where do you find a good product. You know there’s a lot of good products out there. I mean they’re everywhere. There’s people making money every day on good products.

But where do you find them. Share some with you and we’ll share some with you because it’s going to help you. Here’s how it’s gonna help you. It’s going to help you find good products.

It’s what I’ve been talking about at my book. Simple and easy. Go to And guess what it tells you. It tells you how to find good products good products that are already selling you’ll know what to sell it for. You’ll know where to find the product you know everything about it and I mean if you want to find viral products you can actually do that. This book will take you through all the steps you need. Screenshot by screenshot. It’s really simple it’s like 40 pages. Anybody anybody can follow this book. I mean I wrote it. How How complicated could it be.

Can’t be that complicated. So here’s what you wanted to go to. And figure out how to sell unique really good products because that really is the key when you’re running these ads and you know people see so many ads going through their news feed I mean they’re just flying through there. And if you don’t have something that’s going to jump out and it’s going to grab their attention and it’s going to get them to stop and click because most of these people they’re on mobile they’re just scrolling through as fast as they can. And when they see something that looks cool they stop. So how do you figure that out. It’s simple and easy to grab my book. Easy isn’t like five dollars and sixty cents.

Seriously you spend it at Starbucks on one drink and this here can literally change the course of your business by having some good products and it will teach you how to find tons of new products that are viral that are selling right now. You’ll know what price to sell it for and then you can worry about those ads and the copy and all those other things that everybody worries about more than they actually worry about the product. So I would suggest you do that. I will put a link here in the comments and I’m put in the Simple enough right. Watch this. I think it’s it’s not that simple misspelled it. almost like that in there. Now listen if you’ve got questions about this and you’re confused and you don’t know what to do. Comment in there I’ll answer it. Full free for free is cheap so go ahead and put it in there. Put your comments and it doesn’t matter if you’re watching this live right now or you’re watching it a week later or a year later it doesn’t matter. I get notified when you put your comments in there so you’ll grab the book or if you have a question about the book put it in there or if you just have a question about selling stuff online then doing it about 10 years now. I kind of got the knack of this.

OK I have courses and I’ve sold millions of dollars with a product and coaching for people do all kinds of fun stuff fun stuff and it’s fun because I make money online I can do it from anywhere in the world and you can too anybody can. Not that hard to do. If you have questions like say posting them there feel free to do so and go grab the book Where’s it at. It’s a Couldn’t be any easier and when you’re watching this. If you would post in there would Appreciate too. Facebook is doing some weird it’s like brightening up and then lowering a day because the lighting is changing there. It’s later in the afternoon it’s like 4 o’clock here in sunny San Diego and it’s actually sunny today.

We begin in rain for like days and days and days and we get intimidated by it. You know we sell a lot of different products but they’re really unique stuff like we have no canned meats and we have survival foods that are freeze dried gourmet meal type things we have credit card knives and we have little tools. Cool little things that people can get.

And the thing is we sell a lot of them because they’re unique and they’re hard to find and people can find these things and that’s why they buy from us and they’ll buy em from YouTube. They don’t buy him because it’s me they buy him because of the product. The product is the key product. It all starts with the product.

Doesn’t matter how good your advertising is it doesn’t matter how much you spend. Doesn’t matter how much you target your audience. None of that matters. You don’t of a cool product. Gonna have a good product. I mean times have you bought a cool product you bought it because you said wow I got to have it. That’s pretty cool. I want that you didn’t go shop around you decides that. That’s what I want. That’s really cool. So that’s what we’ll do with you too. But you gotta figure out how to have a cool product. You do and I have cool products. That a You’ll learn in like two hours. You can read this book in like two hours and 40 pages and it’s even got illustrations and pictures of what you need to do where you need to click all that stuff shows you how to find these products go grab you one. Do you have any questions I’ll forget for a minute and we’ll talk to you real soon.

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