Is Drop Shipping A Scam? I'll answer all of your drop shipping questions in this video.

Is Drop Shipping A Scam? I’ll answer all of your drop shipping questions in this video.

Is drop shipping a scam? Lots of people have lost money trying to start a drop shipping business. But is it a scam? In this short video I’ll give you a ll the answers.

Video transcript

“Hey guys. J.R Fisher here. Search for another radio had the radio one. I want to talk to you real quick today about drop shipping being a scam.

Drop shipping a scam. You know I was in a restaurant the other day. And the service sucked. It was terrible terrible service. They were rude and the food wasn’t very good. And I got to tell you I drove a long ways. The location just just wasn’t convenient to get to. But let me get back to drop shipping and why it sucks and why it’s just to scam. Do I believe that. No I don’t believe that. But you know what. I’ve heard that.

I’ve heard that from people saying yeah you can’t make money and drop shipping it’s a scam. Well for the last nine years somehow my bills got paid by selling stuff online. Somehow miraculously. That happened. But here’s what happens with some new people they get it to drop shipping and they pick a product. And they run some ads to it and it doesn’t work. And they say you know what. Drop shipping is a scam. And I scratch my hand I’m like well how are people making millions of dollars a year if it’s a scam.

You see. They didn’t put any effort into this at all. You know they pick one product or two products and they spend a couple of hundred bucks and they thought what I should have gotten rich I should have made 10 grand this month. That’s how it should have worked out. So since I didn’t do that drop shipping is a scam. Now. I don’t think that guy who owns Ali Express who is a billionaire has stayed that way because none of those products are selling. I just don’t think so.

I don’t think a lot of the people I know who are in drop shipping and have been for years who’ve made millions and millions of dollars you know are a scam. I don’t think so. I think this is what I think. This is my theory now that those people didn’t put enough effort into making money online. You see because drop shipping is a business. You know I was talking to somebody just today and they said well if I start drop shipping business do I have to get a business license. I said Yeah yeah it’s a business.

Yeah you’ve got to get a business license to run a business. But what some of these people do is they pick bad products. OK. And they they don’t put any effort into it. Their ads are terrible and they don’t pick the right audience. And they don’t get any results and they say well it’s drop shipping’s fault it’s not my fault it’s dropped shipping fault. Heck I did what I was supposed to do. No you didn’t. No you didn’t. Because imagine this. You open a restaurant in a bad area in a bad location that’s hard to get to.

That’s the first thing you do because that’s your audience. OK let’s let’s match it up with drops so your audience is difficult to even reach. OK. And then what you do is you don’t advertise very well. OK. Or you do very little of it. You spent hundred bucks on her book 200 bucks in the ad suck. I mean do you get ads. But some people come in and they take a look at your restaurant. And it’s dirty and it’s nasty and it’s not clean. And some people buy it and the food sucks.

I mean it’s really bad. And guess what happens that restaurant. It goes out of business. It’s gone. Now. Do restaurants suck. Are restaurants scams. I think we know the answer that restaurants aren’t scams. OK drop shipping isn’t a scam. It’s the individual who doesn’t put the effort into it. You know if the same person had good food and they had a clean restaurant right and they had excellent service and they were in a good location they advertise it properly. Guess what would happen with a restaurant.

It would be successful. And it’s the same thing with drop shipping. If you pick good products and you test them and you run a lot of different ads and you test them and you change your copy and you tested you know you’re probably going to do pretty well. Oh yeah. And you get to pick the right audience right. You can’t put it where somebody is not going to see it. If you do all those things drop shipping works. I know I know it works OK. It’s paid my bills for nine years.

OK. And I don’t think that’s a scam. And I know a lot of people have done very very well with drop shipping. So next time you’re telling yourself well drop shipping is a scam. I tried it it didn’t work. I lost like five hundred dollars. I lost a thousand dollars. The first thing you want to do is get proper training if not for me from somebody who has done drop shipping you know somebody who has been successful somebody you can check when you can type their name into Google and you get results and they’re still selling products.

OK be real careful about that. Don’t don’t buy a course from somebody who sold products two years ago or six months ago because my first question is why the heck aren’t they selling products anymore What happened. You know if they’re so smart and they were making so much money why they quit an they quit doing e-commerce and they’re just selling courses now to tell you how to get rich. OK. So yeah we’ve got courses and I’ve got books matter of fact. I’ll put a link in there to a book. I have.

A short book 40 pages tells you how to pick profitable products in four simple steps so check that out with the link and there you can get that I think is like five dollars and sixty cents so it’s big investment. OK we’ll get rich on that one. But the point is guys. Drop shipping is no more a scam than a restaurant’s a scam or a grocery store is a scam. Businesses that fail fail for a reason products are being sold online. OK. And people who drop shipping and you bet you.

But when you buy something from Walmart you know ninety nine percent of time and it can come from Walmart . It’s coming from a drop shipper. And why do I know that. Because if you go to Walmart and you type in my product survival cave food you will find it there. And guess who’s shipping it out in a Walmart. It’s my warehouse and I ship it out for Walmart. So I’m a drop shipper for Walmart. OK. So drop shipping it’s not a scam. You’ve got to put the effort in.

OK. You wanna grab my book. Click on that link right there and put the effort into a man. I mean it it takes effort it’s hard but the rewards are great because wherever you’re at right now if you’re uncomfortable with it you know you don’t like your pay. You don’t like your hours whatever. If you quit you have to go back to that get it. OK. The thing that drove you to want to try to be a drop shipper you’ve got to go back to it. OK. So that’s not cool.

Now if you’re in a position where you like your job you like your money you like everything. Don’t even listen to this vent video. It ain’t for you. OK. This video is for somebody who doesn’t like their situation and can’t quite understand drop shipping and that’s why I’m doing the video.

OK. Because you can do it. You can make money you can make a lot of money if you do it right. Get a course read a book. I mean the information’s out there. You don’t have to get it from me if you want to you can we’ve got it. You know we’ve done it. We’ve sold millions of dollars of stuff online. But if you don’t get it from me give him somebody don’t just blindly go out there and try to do it and do it wrong because drop shipping isn’t a scam.

It’s a real viable business that you can make real money if you put in real effort. OK. There’s the key. You get it put in real effort. And if you do that and you hit the right audience and you have the right ad copy and you have the right images and you’ve got a cool product. People will buy from you they’ll buy a lot from you they’ll spend tons of money I know they have with me you know. So that’s what you gonna do. Drop shipping is not a scam guys.

OK. Don’t think that craziness craziness. All right. I’ll talk to you later. Oh yeah. One other thing. No I’m not driving on the wrong side of a car because I’ve get a lot of comments about that on Facebook Live if you don’t switch the orientation which I forget to do all the time. It flips around the image and it makes me look like I’m driving a British car which I’m not I’m driving on the other side the car everything’s flipped around. Don’t worry about that. That’s not a problem.

Grab that book there too there’s a link in the description. Talk to you soon.”

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