Stop using the google shortener

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Video Transcript

Everybody hope you can hear me. Saturday morning in the office here you get a little bit of work done and I came across an article announcement really today and I want to share it with you guys because it could hugely affect your business if you are using the Google URL shortener which is G O O dot G L which most of us do and I know I do. It’s going to be ending. So what does that mean to you? Well first off on April 13th OK. This year. OK. That’s just a couple of weeks away. You will no longer be able to create any type of Google URL’s if you’re an anonymous user. OK. So you won’t even be able to do it anymore and then the scary thing is on March 30th of 2019 the console is gonna be gone all together. So you know Google Shortener’s guys millions and millions of people use. They probably got them on their site. They probably have them all on their sales pages they’ve got them in their emails. I’m thinking of all of the things I haven’t because we got to change all of this. There’s probably hundreds and hundreds of links that we have to change. So what do you do. You know if there’s no more Google URL shortener. There are alternatives. You can use Ali which will work. OW.LI is O W dot L I, OW.LI is actually part of Hoot Suite.


You do have to have a Hoot Suite account to be able to use OW.LI and the other alternative is Bitly to B I T L Y dot com and you can use Bitly. Same way you would use Google shortener but you’ve got to do it because if you don’t do this OK If you don’t do this you’re going to have a problem because your links may not be working. OK. So I would suggest you get on that right away. I want to share that with everybody below this video. After I make this because this is a live video I want to put the links in there to both of those platforms so you can use those to shortener URL’s any of us who run ads on Facebook or we put it in our e-mail sometimes you know we’ll use these shorteren URL’s and now the tough part is that you’re going to have to go in there and you’re going to have to find every single spot that you have put a Google Shorten URL. That’s a nightmare. I mean seriously it’s a nightmare because it could be in photos it could be on your Website you could be anywhere. So anyhow I just want to let you know to check those things out and you’re going to have to make those changes so you’ve got till April 13th if you want to make some links. I don’t know why you would at this point because it’s gonna be going away they’re going to be using something called F D L, OK. And those are called Fire Base dynamic links. That’s what actually Google is going towards. It’s a different deal altogether and it’s really more for developers than anything else.


So I would suggest that you use Bitly or OW.LI one of those two and I’ll put those links down in there. So keep that in mind if you do have links you know you’re going to be able to use your dashboard up until March 30th of 2019. After that the dashboards will be gone all together. So keep that in mind check your emails check your Website check your photos anything that may have a link in it because you’re going to need to make these changes. I’ll talk to you guys later.

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