A million dollar idea – J.R. Fisher


Video Transcript

Hey guys. JR Fisher here when do this quick video. I missed doing live coaching call today unfortunately. I’m doing some traveling but as you can see here it’s not too bad. Behind me here at this park and there’s looks like there’s like a couple hundred people behind me doing yoga which is a pretty cool thing. So what I want to talk too loud when you see if you guys can see them. Right there. See all those people doing yoga. Pretty cool stuff. You know like two hundred people here I’m in Long Beach California and I want to talk to you about a million dollar idea. You know it’s so funny I talk to a lot of people at some of these things I go to and some of the people have some odd ideas. Some people have some what I think great ideas but what I’ve figured out is it really doesn’t matter what I think. And it really doesn’t matter what they think as far as the idea what really matters is how much action they put into it.

And I was talking with a couple of people yesterday and you know they had some great ideas but everybody thing in action yes. So you got to put stuff in action guys that’s that. That’s the one thing I will tell you that you know even if you know you’re you’re being held back by saying well you know this probably won’t work or I probably won’t make any money or this is going to be too difficult and I don’t want to fail. Go ahead and try it.

Because I will tell you my first idea was to sell cell phone cases online and let me give you a better view here. There is a too dark matter. And you know I did that. And unfortunately it did not work out. As a matter of fact I lost money doing it. It didn’t work out at all. But that’s not the point. The point is I tried something and since I tried something it led me to something else which led me to something else which led me to something else. If you failures along the way there. But the cool thing was it led me to something that was a million dollar idea. In fact it’s a multi-million dollar idea. That’s my survival food company. And I’ve had that for eight nine year going on nine years now pretty long time. So it’s been around and it’s made millions and millions of dollars. I’m pretty happy about that. And that’s not the only business I have now but it really was because I tried some of those beginning ideas. So you know when I hear people and they’re talking about well I’ve got the idea to do this or I’ve got the idea to do that and all they do is talk and they don’t do anything you know I just I think at the back of my mind geez man you you need to get started because that sounds like a crazy idea to me but if you don’t get started it doesn’t matter what you say it doesn’t matter.

It just matters what you do and if you aren’t doing anything and if you aren’t moving forward if you’re scared that it will fail you know it’s going to hold you back. I mean you don’t want that to happen because that one thing that you’re thinking of that could be the one thing that lead you to multi-millions in sales but you won’t know unless you do it and I’m telling you that’s the number one thing I’ve seen with successful and unsuccessful people I mean successful people seem like they try all kinds of stuff. I mean they just try. They try the craziest stuff I ever saw really crazy ideas but you know what’s funny is some of those ideas end up working out. A lot of them don’t because they were crazy. Right. But it’s the on the people who are actually putting in the effort in and the people that are unsuccessful the one thing that I see that runs through all these people is that they they talk and talk and talk and talk and they don’t do anything. [00:03:21][120.9]

And I mean why would you just do it once you try it sounds great. Try it. You know even if it sounds crappy even if you think it’s not a great idea if some mediocre ideas try it because if you’re moving in the direction of learning to market and sell online you’re learning more and you’re gonna to pick up more you’re going to come across stuff that you wouldn’t if you hadn’t started. So I guess my message today is get started.

And you’ll never know what you’re gonna uncover. You know you could uncover a multi-million dollar idea and you’re right you’ll have some failures along the way. You’ve got to kind of expect that. But don’t worry about that and don’t dwell on those things don’t dwell on the fact that you may fail. That’s not what you need to be thinking about. You need to be thinking about all the things that could go right. Right. Well give me another view of those people back there. That’s pretty cool right. You’re doing their yoga. So also if you don’t have an idea and if you don’t have a product to sell I can help you out there.

I have a book I wrote on how to find profitable products to sell online and you want to go to www.jrfisherbook.com www.jrfisherbook.com And I put it in the comments but if you would do me a favor if you’re watching this just type in there www.jrfisherbook.com www.jrfisherbook.com and If you do that more people will see it now. I gonna ask another favor is to share this video on your timeline share it with your friends. It only takes that little click of the button to share. You know people see it and the fact is it may help out one of your friends you know who knows you may share this and one of your friends may see this and they may move forward on an idea and they may come back to you and say hey thanks for sharing that video it got me going it got me doing my ten million dollar idea or a million dollar idea and was all because you share that video. So that’s what this is for.

This is to wake up those people who have been talking for a while and they hadn’t really done anything to go ahead and get move and that’s that’s what got me going. And it was a failure. But in the long run it was not. So tomorrow I’m going to be getting on a cruise ship. And if you can see that. Big old carnival cruise ship back there. Kind of hard to see.

Its back. There you go. Trust me it’s back there. I’m staying on the Queen Mary right now. And it’s right next to it. Maybe you can see it maybe you can. But stay on the Queen Mary tonight.

Then tomorrow I’ll jump on a nice big cruise ship heading down to the Mexican Riviera. I’m going to have some fun some party in I’m sure good food which I got to stay away from that I guess stay more in the gym and then into the food and we’ll have a good time and I’ll talk to you along the way as long as we have internet connection which is what I’m trying to do is get internet connection down there. I’m going to have that have already set up like WhatsApp and all that with some family members to make sure I can communicate with them so guys you know listen to the video.

Thank you so much Jessica for posting that and there she is posted there. jrfisherbook.com. So she got in there really appreciate it guys. And you know after you watch this video if you’re not watching live on case some of you will not be watching live and you have a question you know maybe you’ve got an idea and you went to get some input on it. Really I think the best input is just to go try it. But if you have a question about how to start or you know you have a question about your idea. Feel free to post on this video and even though it’s not live I get those notifications and I’ll come back and answer you. And like I say if you don’t if you don’t have a product and you want a guide for that that my book is a great guy.

It’s only like 40 pages long short read you can read it in couple of hours and you can be implementing within hours How about that. That’s pretty cool right. That will get you going and you’ll find that it www.jrfisherbook.com So you can leave you with all those yoga people out there. It was you that people. It’s gonna be like two three hundred people doing yoga is pretty amazing. And you see they’re all kind of stretching there you can see that what’s going on. Pretty cool stuff. Very relaxing. Beautiful day out here. Probably about seventy six degrees. All these people enjoying it. So I’ll talk to you guys real soon don’t forget post your comments and then share this video in like it. I appreciate talk to you soon.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvcuYlzbj4s

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